Best Review The proper way to restring a guitar by Bill Baker Video
Guitar Tech Bill Baker of NJ teaches you his way to restring an electric and acoustic guitar along with tips to clean, lube, and check over your guitar so you can get the best from it. Bill has done work for BLUE CHEER, Ace Frehley of KISS, The MISFITS, Richie Ranno of STARZ, Leslie West, The NERDS, and many more to name his top clients and friends. That's "BIG BENDS Nut Sauce" I'm using as a lube, and it's the best I've found. More on that product in the next video coming soon on restringing vintage Fender guitars and basses! While there are many ways to restring and stay in tune, this is what has been working for me and my customers in the past 20+ years I've been working on them and playing. Thanks for looking!!! Check out our other videos!!! *Watch this in High Quality*
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